Video Editing Tips to Boost Your Engagement

Start with focusing on filming with good lights and sound.

To make a powerful video for social media, start with focusing on filming with good lights and sound, but never underestimate video editing!

Previously, we covered the  pre-production stage of video making, today we will focus on filming and editing your video, with extra tips on where to find the right external resources for your videos. 


Video Production:

When filming a video, the most important thing you have to do is believing in yourself, in your project.

But first, make sure that you set up your mic and recorder, lights and camera, correctly and that your guests, actors or talents are comfortable with you and in front of the camera. 

To show the proper set up of a video
Woman holding a movie production clapperboard

After you’ve filmed your video, and you’re satisfied with the footage, you can begin editing it.


Show how to edit on a tablet device
Video Editing software on a tablet device

At this stage, you will need an editing software on your computer, phone or tablet device to edit your video into a polished, finished piece. 

Always start with audio. As we said before, there can’t be a good quality video with poor sound. Carefully go through all your footage and select the clips with the strongest audio.

Then move to the video clips and make your own editorial choices; do you want the frames  to follow one another chronologically? Or are there specific cuts, and b-reel, you want to use to make it more engaging or to break the narration?

You might also want to use background music to make it more dynamic. There are many websites online such as Samples  and loop masters where you can find free or paid for music samples that fit the topic or atmosphere of your video.

If you’re uploading the video on YouTube, you can also use the YouTube Music Library to add background music when publishing your video.

Finally, like everything great in life, it takes hours and hours of practice to master video making, so do not be afraid if your first videos will not be exactly as you have imagined them. 

Practice, practice and practice and the results will eventually show! 

Technical Specifications

Here is a technical specification sheet you can use to check formats and aspect ratios before you start your video editing:

Facebook  Instagram Twitter  YouTube 
Resolution  1280×720 landscape: 600 x 315


600 x 750


600 x 600




720×1280 square


1920 x 1080
Min. width  600 pixels (L or P) 1:2.39 to 2.39:1
Aspect ratio 1 (Web)




16:9 (L or P)

1:1 (Square)

Aspect ratio 2 Vertical 


Aspect ratio 3  (Mobile)




Max file size  4GB 4GB 512MB 128GB
Video format .MP4 and .MOV .MP4 and .MOV .MP4 and .MOV .MP4, .MOV


Max length  120 mins 60 seconds  140 seconds 15 mins-12 hrs 
Max frame rate 30 fps  30 fps 40fps 25-60fps

Read our articles on how to use lights and sound to create great videos now!

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