Get More From Your Educational Video Maker Pt.2

To Read Get More From Your Educational Video Maker Pt.2 click here!

Continuing from our last post, here are the next 4 steps to help you get more from your educational video maker:

Khan Style

Khan-style tablet drawing tutorials are more engaging than presentation slides or code screencasts. If you aren’t familiar with this style of video it’s based on the well-used tutorials on Khan Academy. They have a continuous flow of working through the problems so students can follow the instructor’s thought process. It allows the viewers to feel like they’re working through the topics together. Also, occasionally, mistakes happen and that’s fine – instructors correct themselves while on video. Learning from mistakes is an important lesson for students.


Massive Online Open Courses. They’re generally free and there is usually a large choice of disciplines and levels to study. However, when pre-recorded classroom lectures are chopped up into short segments for a MOOC they’re not as engaging. Recording dedicated MOOC modules are better for student engagement.

Tone of Voice

Does anyone really want to listen to a lecture which is long, and presented in a very monotonous tone (it’d be like Squidward leading an entire lecture!) Videos, where instructors speak fast and with high enthusiasm, have been shown to be engaging. It helps keep the students alert too, and varied tone of voice should sign-post content and make it easier to understand. 


Students engage differently with lecture and tutorial videos. For lectures, focus more on the
first-time watching experience. For tutorials, add more support for re-watching and skimming,
such as inserting sub-goal labels in large fonts throughout the video.

Your Educational Video Maker

Most educational content is viewed on 16:9 devices such as laptops and PCs, therefore you should optimise content for this aspect ratio. In addition to this, you may want to post shorter material on an online forum or social media account. Content here is best viewed in vertical (9:16 & 4:5) or square (1:1.) Check out Cerebriam Studio for re-purposing content to different aspect ratios.

If you haven’t read part 1 click here to find out more! To get further tips on the best way to make an educational video!