Increase Productivity with Cerebriam Studio

Have you ever had those moments, that flash of inspiration, but you needed to move fast to make something of it, you needed to increase productivity?

You’ve done it, you’ve cracked it – you have the idea, the idea that perfectly encapsulates you, your brand, and your message.

It came to you in a flash, like someone dropping a gorgeous gift right into your lap. You’re excited, you’re motivated, you’re ready. You want this video to be everywhere. You have a powerful message that you want to communicate via video across several social media channels – you want to quickly make a video so that it can be seen far and wide.

This is your moment, but time moves fast, and the internet moves faster so you need to increase productivity and get a move on.

Optimum Productivity 

You start planning. You write your script. You find your talent. You start planning your shots, but you start to run up against complications. You’ll be making video for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, LinkedIn, and any other platform that where your target market hangout. You will need multiple aspect ratios to publish to all those platform. So, you need to consider your video size and the relationship with your shot compositions. But that’s ok, you’ll figure it out in the edit. Because right now you are at optimum productivity.

prepped camera gear to increase productivity
Camera Gear on Wood Top View

The Dilemma

You persevere to production. You polish up your tablet camera lens, invest in a microphone, tripod, and maybe even lighting. Your gear is now sorted, but your budget is spent. You do your best to construct a set and shot composition that will work in a multiple aspect ratio world. Now you arrive at post-production. Once again, the budget rears its head. Do you hire a professional editor? Or do you try to edit it yourself? Many online editors are app-specific and don’t allow for multiple aspect ratio editing. Additionally, for most editing software – any edits you make will need to be repeated in all your different video sizes, and suddenly you are exhausted, your budget is spent, and your idea has lost relevance. How can you increase productivity?

Our m:atio technology takes the many complex steps of production and post-production and makes it as easy as a few clicks.

Man using Cerebriam Studio to create vertical, horizontal, and square video

Your Saviour

It’s daunting. However, there is an alternative: our m:atio technology. Our m:atio (multiple aspect ratio) technology takes the many complex steps of production and post-production and makes it as easy as a few clicks. Cerebriam Studio enhances your video content through built-in presenter tracking and composition tools. Presenter tracking helps to identify objects of interest so that when it comes to editing, the shot composition allows you to highlight the most vital information possible. We also offer advice on getting your sound quality and lighting sorted – so that these tools bring out the vibrancy and clarity of your ideas. When moving into the editing phase, our tools help you to make multiple videos with different aspect ratios – all from the same master video. We’ve designed our editing tools so that you don’t have to repeat the same edits to each of the video clips you’ve created. We’ve introduced process automation to this area of video production, meaning there’s no need for you to repeat tasks. You can just apply the edits you make in one aspect ratio clip to another aspect ratio clip featuring the same content. Finally, with publishing we’ve built in checks for technical specifications for all the major social media platfroms – so you don’t have to worry about your video being rejected by Twitter, for example (!)

That’s one video with countless uses all being made, edited, and checked for publication all in one place. We hope our m:atio technology can bring your ideas to life—fast.